Game Design | White Icon For Circle

Game Design & Production

Associate of Occupational Studies

Game designers are the visionaries and evangelists for a game development project. They thrive on new ideas and are always thinking about how users will interact and enjoy the experience that they’ve created. A great game designer possesses a combination of technical knowledge, artistic skill and most importantly, the ability to communicate and understand people.

Game designers spend significant amounts of time writing detailed documents specifying game mechanics, environments, playable characters and the game’s nemesis. This detail extends right down to how a particular item might behave, be animated and sound.

Game Design is a two year, full-time course written by experienced game designers, in consultation with local and international studios, to produce innovative graduates who will lead the next generation of game development.


“I will never forget the amazing time and valuable experience AIE have given me. They really helped me shine, to be more than who I thought I was. I am now a Game Designer creating fun innovating games for the future generations.”

Casey Thomas

Dark Shadow studios

AIE Student Work

AIE Graduates have worked on

What makes AIE different?

Practical Skills

AIE has impressive workplace connections. Develop skills demanded by industry


Nurturing the practical skills and experience required to succeed


AIE is Australia’s most awarded 3D animation, game design and visual FX educator


AIE Graduates work on the top games and films worldwide

About AIE

The Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) is Australia's most awarded 3D animation, game design and visual FX educator. Created as a non-profit organisation to grow the creative digital sector, AIE pioneered the development of specialist game qualifications and continues to innovate through industry partnerships and dynamic teaching.

AIE courses are practical, career-focused and delivered by industry experienced teachers in a seriously fun and creatively-demanding studio environment. AIE and its graduates have won many awards over the years including twice being named the Australian Small Training Provider of the Year (2007 and more recently in 2016).

Kellie Lautier | AIE Graduate Success

"AIE was the best choice I made when deciding my career path, the course structure and the connections I made there is what put me in the position for most of the jobs I've gotten. The teachers go above and beyond for their students!"

Kellie Lautier

Character Artist
SMG studio

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